In the busy rigmarole of life, I get to hear so many different types of noises and voices. The ting, ding, ping of the electronic devices, the woofs and bow bows that start my days. Those door bells, clanking of the utensils, the gushing sound of the tap water. The opening and closing of doors and the elevator message pleading to close its gates. I brave my way even through the honking and vrooming of the vehicles passing by, to get to yet another land of various sounds. People chatting, laughing or walking past. Keyboards typing, conference calls ringing, auto voice messages and more. I manoeuver my way through this all day long and passing again thousands of sounds, many of which are even deafening, I finally get back to decibels a notch lower.
To the distinct noises of the idiot box, and the playful runs of the four legged angels. Slowly the noises of the world begin to dim and the tick-tock of the clock becomes more audible.
Ironic as it may appear, only when I hear nothing else, is when I am truly listening. Listening to the most important person. To the deepest of wisdom there can be. To the answers to questions I was seeking all day. To the solutions to issues I have been dying to resolve. To the creative streak of looking beyond what’s visible, and accepting what is, as is.
It is this when I can hear my breath, the one, that just by passing through me, bestows me with the gift of life, every single time.
It is this when I can hear my heart beating, not just in my chest but also on my wrist and the temples. The heart that pumps the fluid of life through every inch of my body.
It is this when I can listen to those subtle voices in my head, that have been shushed all day. The voices that bring the highest of intelligence and deepest of wisdom to my thoughts.
It is, in these 15 minutes of silence, when I am truly living my life. My 15 minutes with my favourite person - myself.